Different reasons have been proposed to explain this pattern, including a change in management and feeding practices, in the context of a shift of animal husbandry from large to small scale production. This paper is based on faunal material from Roman and early medieval Augusta Raurica, north-wes...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Investigating livestock management in the early Neolithic archaeological site of Cabecicos Negros (Almería, Spain) from the organic residue analysis in pottery N. Tarifa‑Mateo 1*, M. Saña 1, X. Clop 1, A. Rosell‑Melé...
The journal welcomes submissions on the avant-garde areas ofanimal genetics,breeding,growth,reproduction,nutrition,physiology, andbehaviourin addition togenetic resources,welfare,ethics,health,managementandproduction systems. The high-quality content of this journal reflects the truly international nature of ...
This paper assesses the role of economic, social, political and organizational processes on technology adoption in smallholder livestock production systems based on innovation systems perspective. Functions of the innovation systems framework was used to assess the missing links in the dairy sector value ...
However, the real reusing of raw wool is not widespread and is strongly characterized by improper waste management. A sustainable reuse process of wastes or by-products is always started by accurate disposal management by assessing their production and localization. In the study by Florea [19],...
Accurate livestock counts are essential for effective pastureland management. High spatial resolution remote sensing, coupled with deep learning, has shown promising results in livestock detection. However, challenges persist, particularly when the targets are small and in a heterogeneous environment, such ...
Choosing A Production System Beef Marketing Options Herd Management And Nutrition Fattening Your Beef Cattle Marketing Your Beef Cattle Raising Cattle For Milk Different Breeds of Dairy Cattle The Indications of Selecting Dairy Females The Composition Of Feedstuffs ...
Environmental Management Ecosystems Agriculture Applied Ecology Sustainable Development Anthropology Keywords Developed and developing countries, drivers of livestock production, global livestock production systems, environmental impacts, nutrient loads and policies Authors Gufu Oba (1) Author Affiliations...
Methane production per kg of digestible DM in the UMB supplemented group was lower (P < 0.05) than that of the control group. Improved systems for manure management increased (P < 0.05) N, P and K retention in manure compared to the traditional system. Lactating cows fed a straw-based ...
and region-specific emissions factors to obtain annual emissions quantities. The emissions factors are derived using sets of mathematical formulae with inputs that vary depending on regional livestock qualities and management (e.g. feed intake quantity and quality; milk production quantity; amount of ...