liver function tests 用以判断肝脏功能的实验室检查方法。主要用以了解肝脏各项功能有无损害及损害程度,通过动态 观察判断其预后、治疗效果等。常用肝功能试验有以下几种。 血清酶的测定 在肝脏的新陈代谢过程中,有许多种酶参与代谢过程,当肝脏病变时,这些酶在血清中的浓度也发生变化,血清酶的测定可以作为诊断及预后...
liver function tests Clinical parlance for a battery of serum analytes that reflect the liver's metabolic reserve capacity Liver function tests Test ability to excrete • Endogenous substances, eg bilirubin, bile acids, ammonia • Exogenous substances, eg drugs, dyes, galactose Test ability...
Liver Function Test refers to a set of diagnostic tools that evaluate the activity and functional impairment of the liver. These tests do not provide a pathological diagnosis but help assess the degree of liver function. AI generated definition based on: Total Burn Care (Third Edition), 2007 ...
The liver has a significant role in metabolism, digestion, detoxification, and elimination of substances from the body. The liver function tests typically include alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), serum bilirubin,...
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Total BilirubinLiver Function Test - FAQs How do you test liver function at home? What is the liver? What are the symptoms of liver damage? Which tests are included in the YorkTest Liver Function Test? Is low/high liver function a sign of liver damage?
ALT, alanine aminotransferase;APRI, AST-to-platelet ratio index;AST, aspartate-aminotransferase;BMI, body mass index;ELF, enhanced liver function test;FIB, fibrosis;FPI, fibrosis probability index;GGT, gamma-glutamyltransferase;HBV, hepatitis B virus;HCV, hepatic C virus;HOMA, homeostasis model assess...
Liverfunctiontestindicatorsgenerallydoincludingalanine aminotransferase(ALT),aspartateaminotransferase(AST), alkalinephosphatase(ALP),gammaglutamyltransferase(GGT), albumin/globulin(A/G),totalbilirubin(T-Bil),direct bilirubin(D-Bil). ALTandASTweremainlydistributedinlivercells,ifthe ...
Liver Function Test Results The results usually show normal values for the specific test, along with your numbers. Keep in mind that what’s normal can vary with different labs. It also depends on whether you’re male or female. If your results aren’t normal, you’ll probably get more ...
Similarly, high alcohol intake without evident liver disease often but not always produces abnormal enzymatic liver function tests (LFTs), particularly gamma‐glutamyl transferase (GGT). We postulate that the factors predisposing to cirrhosis in alcoholics and to liver enzyme abnormality in drinkers are...
(procedure),Liver function tests (& general) (procedure),Liver function tests NOS (procedure),Hepatic function panel,LFT - Liver function test,Liver function test,Liver function tests - general,Hepatic function panel (procedure),Liver funct. test -gen.,Liver function tests - general (procedure),...