Jaundice (when your skin and eyes turn yellow) Other symptoms of cirrhosis If you don’t get treatment for the cause of your cirrhosis, it’ll get worse. The symptoms will get worse, too. They might include: Changes to the way you think, such as problems with concentration or memory ...
Diseases that may affect the liver include hepatitis(inflammation of the liver),cirrhosis(scarring),fatty liver, andliver cancer(hepatocellular carcinoma). Symptoms of liver diseasemay include: bleedingor easy bruising, swelling, fatigue, and jaundice(yellow coloring to the skin and whites of the ey...
Swollen liver or a mass that can be felt through the skin on the right side Swollen veins on the stomach Swollen spleen (felt as a mass under the left rib) Sudden deterioration in condition for those with chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis ...
Cirrhosis is the extensive scarring of the liver caused by long-term injury. Reviewed by a board-certified internal medicine physician.
The best treatment for primary liver cancer is to remove it surgically.Unfortunately, that is seldom possible; in fact, fewer than 10% of patients are suitable for surgery. This may be because the liver function is too poor due to cirrhosis for the patient to go through surgery safely or ...
Overview Risks Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Management What is cirrhosis?Cirrhosis is long-term scarring of the liver. The liver makes enzymes and bile that help digest food and gives your body energy. It also removes harmful material from your body, such as alcohol and other chemicals. Cirrhosis...
When corrosiveness tubes come damaged, corrosiveness can back up into the liver, causing damage to liver cells. This damage can lead to liver failure. Primary biliary cholangitis, preliminarily called primary biliary cirrhosis, is a habitual complaint in which the corrosiveness tubes in your liver...
(obstructive jaundice). Failure of hepatic cells to function can result fromhepatitis,cirrhosis,tumours, vascular obstruction, or poisoning. Symptoms may include weakness,low blood pressure, easy bruising and bleeding, tremor, and accumulation of fluid in theabdomen. Blood tests can reveal abnormal ...
Risk Factors, Causes, and symptoms The causes of liver cancer vary and in many cases remain unknown, but several factors have been identified that increase the risk of developing the disease. Previous infection withhepatitisB orhepatitis C virusesis clearly linked to liver cancer, as iscirrhosisof...
These symptoms will appear in both chronic and acute liver failure. What are the signs of liver failure on the face? You may see: Yellowing of the eyes Yellowing of the skin (more noticeable in white people than in black and brown people) ...