Neo-Functionalism Applied to the Lived Experience of a Transgender Person During Gender AffirmationSturiale, LetiziaRosin, RobertaLeo, IreneInternational Body Psychotherapy Journal
The current qualitative study uses a queer-feminist lens to examine variations in ideals and lived experience related to (non)monogamy among a convenience sample of 43 gay men in the U.S., primarily from the southeast. Data were collected in 2003 using in-person and online interviews and focu...
Interview with Howa Yeung, MD, MSc, author of Lived Experience of Acne and Acne Treatment in Transgender Patients. Hosted by Adewole S. Adamson, MD, MPP. Subscribe Subscribe on your favorite podcast source to receive future episodes of this podcast. Learn more about this JAMA Network podcast ...
transcribed verbatim, coded using minority stress theory and the socioecological model, and analyzed using thematic analysis. Themes were triangulated with survey data on gender, self-reported acne severity, skin-specific quality-of-life impact, and treatment experience. ...
Identity is how we understand ourselves and others through the roles or social groups we occupy. This review focuses on lived experience researchers and providers and the impact of these roles on identity. Lived experience researchers and providers use t
participants’ understanding of DA was based on victimisation of younger LGBTQ+ people, they observed how issues affecting older LGBTQ+ people such as hidden identities, fears of discrimination, increased isolation and societal assumptions of sexuality in later life could impact on the experience of ...
All in all, coming out at work can be a fraught experience. Some 37 percent of survey respondents reported feeling uncomfortable at least once in the past month with coming out at work. In some cases, coming out may lead to abuse. One Canadian interviewee reca...
YT was the only person present during the interviews. He gained permission to audio-record the interviews, introduced himself, gave a brief background of his research experience and explained the purpose of the study. The initial interviews were conducted over one day per participant and were ...
lived experience involvement in ED research [85,93]. There have been limited accounts of personally experiencing longstanding EDs and ‘atypical’ AN in the academic literature [94,95,96,97] or of first-person accounts of having a family member with a longstanding ED [98]. No known first-...
However, by focusing on the realm of the immaterial, I do not want to neglect the fleshy ontology of the body (Grosz1994, ix). While phenomenology and emotional geography foreground the body as the site of unique experience, scholars “still often fail to talk about a body that breaks its...