Live-in divorceDescribes current divorce situations in which spouses continue to live together while fighting over how to split their assets. Responses of twelve people interviewed; Legal and financial reasons for staying in the same residence; Experts' opinions; Emotional issue...
例如: - After his divorce, he lived in a hotel for six months while looking for a new place.(离婚后,他在寻找新住处期间在酒店里住了六个月。) - The famous writer lived in the Ritz Hotel for the last decade of his life.(这位著名作家在生命的最后十年里一直住在丽兹酒店。) 在这些例句中,...
I want a divorce. I just can't live in this... this detergent commercial anymore. 翻译:我想要离婚,我再也无法在这种洗洁精广告式的虚假婚姻里待下去了。 divorce: n. 离婚,分离,离婚判决。 detergent: n. 洗洁精,清洁剂,洗衣粉,指用来去除衣物或碗碟上的污垢油渍等的液体或粉末状的洗涤用品, commerci...
Would you like to get married, or would you prefer that we live in sin for a few more years? 你愿意结婚,还是愿意我们再姘居几年?Let's live in sin. There's no risk of divorce.让我们一起姘居吧,没有离婚的风险! Are you two married yet or are you still living in sin?你们两个人...
After his divorce, he lived in a hotel for six months while looking for a new place. 离婚后,他在寻找新住处期间在酒店里住了六个月。 The famous writer lived in the Ritz Hotel for the last decade of his life. 这位著名作家...
艾伦秀 EllenShow 120 Randy Jackson on Rejoining Journey, and His _'Food Divorce_' 07:58 艾伦秀 EllenShow 121 The New Theory on What Really Killed the Dinosaurs 03:05 艾伦秀 EllenShow 122 Tiffany Haddish Shares the Common Thread with Her Life Updates 03:24 艾伦秀 EllenShow 123 Tracy...
What is a live-in relationship? 7 advantages of being in live-in relationships 5 challenges of live-in relationships and how to overcome them Summing up Ask the Expert Share Your Tips Imagine a couple, Sarah and Tom, who have been dating for a couple of years. As they navigate their rel...
原博的评论和转发都不予显示…//@Liveinunity://@AnthonyWong___黃耀明:震惊到无话可说😶//@半明灭一个谜://@油尖旺花毛鸭://@穆斯塔法露西://@Merlin_pink_pant ://@miong_晟倩 ://@鹘鸠非鸱 ://@VelvetDivorce ://@·游想· ://@-甫- ://@炭烤南瓜 :转发微博 ...
Almut offers to treat Tobias and his wife to a meal at the restaurant she works at, though Tobias does not disclose his divorce to her. On the night of his dinner, Tobias, now separated, goes to the restaurant alone, informing Almut about his divorce. The two go to Almut's flat after...
After his divorce, he let himself go to seed. 自从离婚后,他就开始摆烂了。 躺平多指年轻人放弃奋斗,逃避竞争,低欲望生活,不再渴求成功。 外媒将“躺平”翻译为lie flat或者couch potato 今日总结 live a little 活得轻松点 involution 内卷化 peer pressure 同辈压力 ...