The meaning of RUN/LIVE ONE'S OWN LIFE is to make one's own decisions about how to live. How to use run/live one's own life in a sentence.
《活出生命的意义》(Live out the meaning of life) The book is divided into two parts, first part of the Nazi genocide sweeping movement in Europe as the background, the author tells the unique experience in a Nazi concentration camp; the second part is as a scholar and psychiatrist, descri...
活出生命的意义Livethemeaningoflife 系统标签: lifemeaninglive生命freedom意义 《活出生命的意义》(Livethemeaningoflife)Thebookisdividedintotwoparts,firstpartoftheNazigenocidesweepingmovementinEuropeasthebackground,theauthortellstheuniqueexperienceinaNaziconcentrationcamp;thesecondpartisasascholarandpsychiatrist,describ...
You can do aittle every day, but don't le it be your whole day.Try your best to do everything you can do better.Do all your own work. You get nothing outof copying someone else's homework. It's also ashame.Take notes by hand. Doing anything byhand is a way of carving it ...
The meaning of LIVE OUT (SOMETHING) is to spend the rest of (one's life) in a specified way. How to use live out (something) in a sentence.
learn first, study, do good, everything else is just a food seasoning.Did not say that my life is meaningless. Indeed, people are not living for others. For their own future not regret, passionate we should have some life planning and goal, for their future happiness hard....
Among all the highlighted topics, there is how to live a meaning life? Everyone has his or her own opinion. As the saying has it, the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. I cannot agree any more. ...
①I give my life meaning by working hard and getting satisfying grades to live up to my parents' and teachersexpectations.句式分析短语live up to意为“不辜负;做到;实践”。课文回顾很多人认为她配不上海伦“世界上最美丽的女人”的称号,这在一定程度上影响了人们对这部电影的看法。(WY B2U4)句子仿写...
Tis' better to live your own life imperfectly than to imitate someone else's perfectly. —Elizabeth Gilbert 71 If you have been brutally broken but still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings, than you're a badass with a heart of an angel. ...