The neon tetras will also show signs of stress if the water is changed to much and to frequently. I would say stick with what you are doing.> I have a Topfin filter that is for a 20 gallon tank in a 15 gallon tank. Also I had noticed that my fancy guppies tails were splitting an...
The aquatic pet stores offer plenty of fish breeds for everyone, both freshwater (arowanas,mollies,goldfish,guppies, auratus, discus,tetras, barbs,koi,flowerhorns,cichlids, angelfish, betas (Siamese fighting fish),gouramis,platies,swordtails, etc.) and saltwater (tangs,wrasses,angelfish,triggerfish,...
and Lake Victoria. We also import new stock regularly. In addition to our lines of domestically bred Peacocks / Aulonocaras, Haps, and Mbuna / Rockfish, we also sell a range of Tetras, Barbs, Catfish, Koi, Goldfish, Minnows, Sharks, Loaches, Guppies and Endlers, Swordtails, Rasboras, ...