We haveInexpensive Frog grow out kitsgrouped by price and live tadpoles for sale. We also offer the coolestpraying mantis habitatthat allows you to watch a preying mantis from a pod grow out to an adult. We ship our bugs to the USA all year long. ...
Boone MD, Bridges CM (2003) Effects of carbaryl on green frog (Rana clamitans) tadpoles: timing of exposure versus multiple exposures. Environ Toxicol Chem 22(11):2695-2702Boone, M. D.; Bridges, C. M. Effects of carbaryl on green frog (Rana Clamitans) tadpoles: Timing of exposure versus...
Bank MS, Crocker J, Connery B, Amirbahman A (2007) Mercury bioaccumulation in green frog (Rana clamitans) and bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles from Acadia National Park, Maine, USA. Environ Toxicol Chem 26:118-125Bank, M., Crocker, J., Connery, B., Amirbahman, A.: Mercury ...
Growth and survival of northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) tadpoles exposed to two common pesticides. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28, 1469-1474.Shenoy K , Cunningham BT , Renfroe JW , Crowley PH. 2009 . Growth and survival of northern leopard frog ( Rana pipiens ) tadpoles exposed to two ...
Lethal and sublethal effects of chronic cadmium exposure on northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) tadpoles. Environ - Gross, Chen, et al. - 2007 () Citation Context ...ntration of 84 lg/l (some of the endpoints were also not significantly different from control values at 8 lg Cd/l). ...
McClure KV,Mora JW,Smith GR.Effects of light and group size on the activity of wood frog tadpoles (Rana sylvatica) and their response to a shadow stimulus. Acta Herpetol . 2009Effects of light and group size on the activity of wood frog tadpoles (Rana sylvatica) and their response to a...
We maintained groups of predator-naive woodfrog, Lithobates sylvaticus, tadpoles at different temperatures for 8 days to induce differences in tadpole size. We then conditioned small and large tadpoles to recognize the odour of a predatory tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum. Tadpoles were then ...
A. 1991 . Competition between common frog, Rana temporaria, and natterjack toad, Bufo calamita, tadpoles: the effect of competitor density and interaction level on tadpole development . Oikos 61 : 187 – 196 .Griffiths, R.A. 1991. Competition between common frog, Rana temporaria, and ...
1999a. Comparative toxicity of ammonium and nitrate compounds to Pacific treefrog and African clawed frog tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18: 2251-2257.Schuytema, G.S. and A.V. Nebeker. 1999b. Comparative toxicity of ammonium and nitrate compounds to Pacific treefrog and African ...
Effect of ontogenetic increases in body size on burst swimming performance in tadpoles of the striped marsh frog, Limnodynastes peronii. Physiol Biochem Zool. 2000;73(2):142-52.Wilson, R. S., and C. E. Franklin. 2000. Effect of ontogenetic increases in body size on burst swimming ...