Auto refresh for Live Dashboard 12-05-2016 12:41 AM I am wanting to creatre a dashboard that the sales people can put on a tele to show live Sales figures. The refresh options seem to only give me daily etc, Is there any way to have a manual set time like every five mun...
Test the site on local server yarn live Minify the JS Build yarn minify To Do List 🔖 Live Auto Refresh - Auto Refresh the Score Every 1 Minutes - livescore/main.js Line 50 in ed1b26a setInterval(Getscore, 60 * 1000); For Education and Learning Purpose only ✍ We are ...
Latest commit Tomas-M Enhance from=ask Sep 30, 2023 5ddf9ac·Sep 30, 2023 History History
refresh live-server live server yandeu •0.4.0•2 months ago•3dependents•SEE LICENSE IN LICENSEpublished version0.4.0,2 months ago3dependentslicensed under $SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE 1,277 @randajan/simple-lib Supersimple start for developing custom js library ...
Crystal report save as pdf in server folder CS0103: The name 'Scripts' does not exist in the current context CS0234 : The type or namespace name 'Mvc' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNet' (are you missing an assembly reference?) CS1502: The best overloaded method match ...
im_server Array 是 ["aliyun", "rongCloud"] 或者 ["aliyun"] 或者 ["rongCloud"] 字符串数据,如果希望同时支持阿里云及融云的互动消息,可以传aliyun及rongCloud, 否则按需传相应值。 返回数据 名称 类型 示例值 描述 success bool true 业务是否成功。 data String oauth_cloud_key:***-b0YY5Gy6...
AUI Kits互动直播AppServer提供了登录服务和直播间管理服务等后台服务,通过与AUI Kits互动直播场景SDK搭配使用可以快速实现互动直播应用,助力业务创新快速上线。 AppServer的作用 集成方基于AUI Kits框架快速搭建诸如互动直播、电商直播等服务时,场景SDK需要对接视频直播(用于普通直播及连麦场景)、点播(用于直播录屏,可选)...
In this blog I set out an architecture for a data analytics pipeline that starts with an SQL Server...Date: 06/14/2018Bootstrap your Container-Based Azure FunctionThis blog builds on this Azure docs document, but starts with my own code rather than a pre-canned......
Started connect web server on Running "watch" task Waiting... 注:执行该命令前,如果你有安装过LiveReload的浏览器插件,必须关闭。 6. 打开我们的页面,例如:http://localhost:8000/ 或 注:这里所打开的本地服务器地址,是我们刚才通过connect所搭建的静态文件服务器...
In this blog I set out an architecture for a data analytics pipeline that starts with an SQL Server...Date: 06/14/2018Bootstrap your Container-Based Azure FunctionThis blog builds on this Azure docs document, but starts with my own code rather than a pre-canned......