How Did Anakin Skywalker Get His Scar? Understanding How It's Possible for Princess Leia to Remember Her Mom The Connection Between E.T. and Star Wars Star Wars Glossary: The Force How Many Jedi Survived the Great Jedi Purge? Why Some Jedi Disappear When They Die Jedi Master: What...
The light side of the Force can do many things, but the Jedi knew of no way to save someone from death or bring someone back from the dead. This limitation, and Palpatine's promise that only the dark side offers that power, is what drove Anakin's fall. When Anakin realizes that he ...
81% Darth Vader 78% Anakin Skywalker 69% Clone Trooper 67% Obi Wan Kenobi 64% Mace Windu 61% General Grievous 58% R2-D2 58% Padme Amidala 58% Yoda 53% C-3PO 47% Emperor Palpatine 31%Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?created with Link Leave a commentWhat...
Sa'har feels like they're trying to tell a story of someone in over their head fighting off Dark Side temptation, but it's coming off as more whiny than Prequel Trilogy Anakin. Expand Or the writers aren't paid enough or given enough creativity because railroaded is the only story BS...
Anakinsays... Carl, I love this website. You always have everything organized and everything that I need. I was looking at your website back in Sims 3 and I really appreciate it. 28th July 2015 5:10pm 26 Admin Carlsays... Thanks for the compliment, I hope it's as easy to fin...
Anakin just makes a really good point in this scene, when he's talking to Padmé Amidala about his home planet, Tatooine. Sand is very annoying. The worst part about going to a beach is the sand. 9. "I would like to see the baby." — The Client, The Mandalorian If you want to ...
anakin44011 said: To me, watching sports via DVR is such a joy, I now prefer it over live. Starting a game an hour late and catching up to live TV late in the 4th quarter is one of life's most valuable me. It saves me at least an entire day per ye...
Whenever the three of them are in the same place and walking or running, Padmé follows Palpatine and Anakin follows Padmé. It happens exactly the same way in "Duchess of Mandalore" and "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back". Which is funny. Ironic. The obvious symbolic meaning is that Anakin ...