Example:“Hi there! Welcome to [Your Company]. My name is [Your Name], and I’m here to help you today. How can I assist you?” 2. Be clear and concise Ensure your messages are easy to understand. Avoid jargon and be straightforward in your responses. Example:“Could you please pro...
Take a look at the following example:defmodule ExampleWeb.LiveSigil do use ExampleWeb, :live_view def render(assigns) do ~V""" <script> export let number = 5 let other = 1 $: combined = other + number </script> <p>This is number: {number}</p> <p>This is other: {other}</...
YouTube Live example Wix user and chef Stephen Cusato is the vlogger behindNot Another Cooking Show. Stephen hosted100 questions answered in one hourlive stream dedicated to, “Answering all your burning questions live.” He invited his 819K+ YouTube subscribers to ask him questions in the cha...
// Example "ecosystem.config.js" file for pm2 to run multiple instances of SPX. module.exports = { apps : [ { 'name': 'GC1', 'script': 'server.js', 'args': 'config.json' }, { 'name': 'GC2', 'script': 'server.js', 'args': 'config5001.json' } ] };Then launch ...
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For example, with a free B2B platform like YouTube Live, you can’t stream live video on your website while maintaining control of your video content and your brand like you can with professional-grade B2B platforms (e.g., Dacast, IBM Cloud Video, etc.). It is also not the best ...
In 2020, for example, Biden had more than 2 million more individual donors than Trump did. But notable is how both campaigns today compare to last cycle: Harris has significantly expanded on Biden's donor numbers, while Trump actually slightly lags his own numbers fr...
Bill Clinton, was, well, very Bill Clinton, and went off-script with a frozen teleprompter about 20 minutes in, while still delivering some zingers. But above all, it was Tim Walz’s night in the spotlight. Still introducing himself to much of the country, videos played in the arena ...