For the past three summers, I have looked for monarch caterpillars during my daily walks, brought them home, placed them in my outdoor butterfly hatchery, fed them, and watched them form their chrysalises and hatch. I release them in the same area in which I find them. Last summer, I...
giving them the appearance of only having four legs, and puts them in the same family as the charismatic Monarch butterfly. The main difference between the two, from what I could find, is that the Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis) and the Eastern Comma (Polygonia ...
Reports that pollen from corn genetically engineered to produce a bacterial toxin that protects the plant against European corn borers kills monarch butterfly larvae. Insertion of genes from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis; Description of Bt-corn; Likelihood that caterpillars feeding on milkweed at...