The Vulcan Salute emoji (also known as Live Long and Prosper emoji, Spock emoji, Star Trek emoji, and Mork and Mindy emoji) is displayed with the following character:🖖. It’s represented by hexadecimal code1F596; so to embed in a webpage, use the following:🖖. If it...
The salute has an emoji character added to version seven of the Unicode Standard. Live Long and Prosper DayFAQs What do you say in response to “live long and prosper”? The response to living long and prosper, as seen in the “Star Trek” series is, “Peace and long life”, however...
Imagine God having a tag with your name on it up in heaven, but your tag is heart-shaped because of how much He loves you. With today’s technology it would be more like an icon with your face on it (or your emoji) that pings before Him wherever you are. Remembering that God’s...