Last visit within1 year6 months3 months2 months1 month1 weekSeekingFull or Part TimeFull TimePart TimeSeeking (Live In/Out)Live-in or Live-outLive-inLive-out Experience & Skills Years of Experience 025 Years of Education 025 Job RequirementsHousekeepingInfant CareElder CarePet CareSpecial Needs ...
You can choose the NPC you want to hire. Sims you want to hire need to fullfil the following requirements: Has no Career or the needed Job Career for example Nanny, Is homeless, not a Vampire who is not sun immune, not famous.They need to stay homeless as well, so disable any kind ...
Parents please protect your children from adult oriented sites by using one of the following softwares: Net NannyCyber PatrolSafe Surf ENTER HERE NO THANKS
You can choose the NPC you want to hire. Sims you want to hire need to fullfil the following requirements: Has no Career or the needed Job Career for example Nanny, Is homeless, not a Vampire who is not sun immune, not famous.They need to stay homeless as well, so disable any kind ...
Enter Here No Thanks Parents please protect your children from adult oriented sites by using one of the following softwares: Net NannyCyber PatrolSafe Surf
cum on in No Thanks Parents please protect your children from adult oriented sites by using one of the following softwares: Net NannyCyber PatrolSafe Surf
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Parents please protect your children from adult oriented sites by using one of the following softwares:Net Nanny|Cyber Patrol|Safe Surf
Can engage the kids in:Homework Assistance, Mind Games & Activity City:Shanghai / Big City| More ⇩ Job Start:Feb 2025 - Sep 2025 Time of stay:10-12 Months Last action:1 days ago Family has petsYes Family lives inBig City Parent's Age Group25-40 ...
Piena disponibilità di mettersi in gioco Accettare di essere ripreso in viso, non accetto mascherine o calze in faccia Pulizia Devi essere disposto a viaggiare Esami del sangue non più vecchi di 5 giorni dalla data del casting (se sarai accettato ti manderò via email i test da eseguire...