Hrm. I’m a great supporter of Reynolds’ work; but I think the announcement that the Deadpool movie has been cancelled may have sent him over the edge. Still, at least auditions will get him away from the ice cream and out of the house. Now if only I and the multitudes of other ...
A Jewish thing on the edge of the country with a family I can't seem to like. I am here with the eldest son, my employer, a shallow, suburban creature who, when he speaks in glowing colours about his ex-girlfriend, repeats how she stayed a size zero, because she knew he likes ...
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2025-03-11,2320,2025-03-11,2321,2025-03-11,2322,2025-03-11,2323,2025-03-11,2324,2025-03-11,2325,2025-03-11,2326,2025-03-11,2327,2025-03-11 oj...
lifleifsetsytylelse.s.KKeeyysstteeppss in progrreessssiinnggffrroommkknnoowwleldedgegetotoacatciotinoinncinlucdluedaedapdtaaptitoantionf tohfetkhneokwnloedwgledtoge toththeelolcoaclaclocnotnetxetx, tid, iednetniftyiifnyginbgarbraierrisearns danfadciflaitcailtiotrastotorsktnookwnloedwgledugse,...
lifleifsetsytylelse.s.KKeeyysstteeppss in progrreessssiinnggffrroommkknnoowwleldedgegetotoacatciotinoinncinlucdluedaedapdtaaptitoantionf tohfetkhneokwnloedwgledtoge toththeelolcoaclaclocnotnetxetx, tid, iednetniftyiifnyginbgarbraierrisearns danfadciflaitcailtiotrastotorsktnookwnloedwgledugse,...