During an annular solar eclipse,the moondrifts in front ofthe sunwhile it's slightly farther fromEarththan during a totalsolar eclipse, so it doesn't completely cover the sun's disk. Instead, it leaves a distinct ring of light around the moon, which is why an annular solar eclipse is al...
No radio station in the USA talks more hockey than WGR Sports Radio 550 and no radio station talks more Buffalo Sabres and NHL hockey better than us. Heard daily from 12PM-1PM on WGR and simulcast on MSG TV, Sabres Live goes deep into the corners everyday, breaking down the play ...
The upcoming eclipse will be the first total solar eclipse to be livestreamed using a high altitude platform. Such an altitude is safely above any clouds that could interfere with viewing the event as it crosses the U.S., with the path of totality slicing across the Pacific Northwest, Midwe...