“Don’t ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34, GW. Also,–The bible doesn’t exactly pinpoint the year when the tribulation will begin or when the antichrist will move the world to being totally ...
We used to write on Tumblr everyday. I loved reading your thoughts and seeing your brain work. You were an amazing writer. It was art for us. We used to talk all the time on FB Messenger, even though we lived a few apartments down from each other. We talked about getting tattoos, ...
In 2025, our reading plan will center on spending a year in the New Testament at the pace of one chapter each day. We believe reading one chapter Monday-Friday (with reflection or catch-up days each weekend) gives you the time to read and reflect meaningfully on each chapter. Our goal ...
A wise person lives each day as though it is his last so that he will be ready to meet the Lord. Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm. A fool lives as if there is no God. Psalm 14:1 The fool has said in his ...
It’s not as much about removing stuff as it is about living life-to the fullest. Why I Want To Live Minimally 1. Freedom.I want to be free. To be a slave is to be entirely dominated by some influence. For me, I’m a slave to my stuff. Freedom is defined as ‘not taken up...
With so many talented youths and adults serving, each day we gathered as we impacted over 80 kids who participated in the VBS program. Many of our brothers/sisters have been on this same missions trip multiple times. It was wonderful to see some real connections being made and a true joy...
Welcome! My name is Loredana Teleguz. I am a stay home mom of two hansdome boys. I have a bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education from Millersville University. My passion is teaching children to grow to their fullest potenial, but right now I am fo
I was looking at my Bible the other day and found a section where I had written about some of my main goals in life. My number one goal was to be a good wife someday. Now that I am getting closer to that phase of life, I feel so excited and honored that God has orchestrated th...
" "Ye shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." They listened to Satan, and all they gained was the knowledge of their nakedness. That is all the serpent can give ...