Euro to US Dollar Live Chart Price1.08433 EUR/USD GBP/USD USD/JPY GBP/JPY AUD/USD BTC/USD ETH/USD XAU/USD WTI/USD XBR/USD US30 US500 USTEC US2000 UK100 JP225 ES35 F40 DE40 HK50 IT40 AUS200 CA60 CHINA50 DXY 1m5m15m30m1H4H...
EUR/USD GBP/USD USD/JPY GBP/JPY AUD/USD BTC/USD ETH/USD XAU/USD WTI/USD XBR/USD US30 US500 USTEC US2000 UK100 JP225 ES35 F40 DE40 HK50 IT40 AUS200 CA60 CHINA50 DXY 1m5m15m30m1H4H 1D1W1M|1Y5YAll Euro / US Dollar 1 Hour Price History ...
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metals. The chart is customizable by day, month or year, and shows highs, lows, bids and asks. This gold price chart also offers the option to compare the price of gold with the Dow Jones, S&P 500, S&P Euro, Gold BUGS, WTI crude oil price and the U.S. dollar index (DXY). ...
This silver price chart also offers the option to compare the price of silver with the Dow Jones, S&P 500, S&P Euro, Gold BUGS, WTI crude oil price and the U.S. dollar index (DXY). Spot Silver Prices Today Silver Price Per Ounce (oz t) $34.05 Silver Price Per Gram (g) $1.09 ...
This chart shows the price only in USD. 24h Price range $0.6951$0.7188 LowHigh 52w Price range $0.539$1.91 LowHigh About What is Tezos (XTZ) and how does it work? Tezos is a mainnet blockchain on which developers can build decentralized applications (DApps). The Tezos blockchain has ...
GMT Price GMT GMT $0.05033 -$0.001888 (3.75%) 1d This chart shows the price only in USD. 24h Price range $0.04994$0.05432 LowHigh 52w Price range $0.0846$0.4467 LowHigh About STEPN is an app-based digital ecosystem rewarding physically active users. The ecosystem utilizesnonfungible token ...
Chart Size: SmallMediumLargeX-Large Linear Scale Logarithmic Scale Price Scale % Change Scale Period: IntradayDaily ContractDaily NearbyDaily ContinuationWeekly ContractWeekly NearbyWeekly ContinuationMonthly ContractMonthly NearbyMonthly Continuation 2-Months3-Months4-Months6-Months9-MonthsYear-to-Date1-Year...
Gentera stock price, live market quote, shares value, historical data, intraday chart, earnings per share and news.
Intel stock price, live market quote, shares value, historical data, intraday chart, earnings per share and news.