Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are holding events in the first-in-the-nation GOP primary state.
Get live coverage of the primetime Republican presidential debate between candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul and John Kasich, hosted by Fox News in Des Moines, Iowa.
There’s been a little talk in this debate about care for veterans. And while there hasn’t been a lot of talk about the Republican presidential candidates, veterans affairs is a spot of fundamental difference with the GOP candidates that either Sanders or Clinton could have pointed to. Marco...
Biden ended up raising close to$10 millionduring the night of the first debate. Biden used the vice presidential debate to raise money, tweeting out a picture of him with a fly swatter and the caption "Pitch in $5 to help this campaign fly," along with a link to a donation page. The...
Bartholomew, Dana
Trump mentioned the claims during a debate Tuesday with his Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, prompting her to laugh and call the GOP presidential nominee “extreme.” Q: "Now there are bomb threats at schools and kids being evacuated. Why do you still spread this false story?"...
3:30 PM:Hello and welcome to the LIVE blog of the GOP presidential debate here in Dearborn, Michigan. I'm Mark Koba, senior editor for blogs at I'm guest blogging for John Harwood who is one of the panelists this afternoon, asking the questions. ...
Folks, here’s the Sky stream for the #GOPDebate that works. Forget the Fox one. You’re welcome. — Zeynep Tufekci (@zeynep) August 7, 2015 As it turned out, the European cable giant Sky News was showing a stream of the debate on its YouTube (GOOG) ch...
Of course, this was a Saturday night debate. Most of the perception of who won and lost will be shaped by the media coverage in the days to come. The terror attacks in Paris on Friday are also likely to shape the race, and how this debate is remembered. The Democratic candidates’ mos...
6:01 PM/ET:OOPS. Alert, Alert. I have to admit to making a mistake on our coverage. We are NOT live streaming the debate as I had said earlier. Please accept my apologies.So another reason to stay here. 6:00 PM/ET:Oh God, they're playing the whole musical. Now it's "On the...