Query; The iso live of Bullseye MateDE, when executing "calamares" (Install Debian) it executes as superuser, with the problems that this brings once the system is installed. Does anyone know something? Have you noticed? Or does it only happen to me? The same is not the case with ...
Elive,或者称为Enlightenment live CD,是基于Debian的桌面Linux发行及自启动运行光盘,其特色在于使用Enlightenment窗口管理器。除了进行预配置并适合于日常桌面应用外,它还包含了“Elpanel”,一份面向简易系统及桌面管理的控制中心。 受欢迎程度排名 (每日点击次数):12 个月:142(60), 6 个月:151(61), 3 个月:12...
It gives you a chroot environment for modification and creates the modified iso image. You need to do all the customizations on your own, JLIVECD itself does not do any modifications. It is developed with the help of the documentation found on: ...
Adjusting the packages on the LiveCD by adding or removing through a Synaptic-like interface Adding files directly to the LiveCD just before finalizing Modifying the default X11 environment Execute a GNOME, KDE, or XFCE log-in in Xnest
Create an empty file named "ubuntu" and a hidden ".disk" folder. This is needed to make the USB Creator work with this custom iso image. Without this the image will still boot but the USB creator will not recognize the image as an Ubuntu CD and refuse to use it. Also, create the ...
systemrescuecd, grml, etc. Was this review helpful? Yes No Version: 1.5.0-2Rating: 9Date: 2023-04-26Votes: 16 I love the simplicity of GParted Live, but it didn't load on a machine that I was trying to re-partition. I don't know why and I didn't investigate further. (I...
一种方法是加载有openssh-server的光盘iso, 比如 http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/archive/10.12.0/amd64/iso-cd/debian-10.12.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso , 然后执行 apt-cdrom add命令, 然后执行 apt install openssh-server命令 另一种方法是编辑/etc/apt/sources.list, 添加好用的源, 然后执行 apt ...
Oh No! FC18 XFCE live CD no longer has gparted. That is about 80% ofwhat I use it for. What a disaster! Sure I can continue to use FC17 XFCE Live CD, but it won't keep up withnew chipsets. I do "fondly" remember when I discovered that the FC16 ...
Found module libkeyutils.so.1 with build-id: 2560a16099ad1875f7ea2195ae25b97ea168a758 Found module libkrb5support.so.0 with build-id: 03649849c4d1813c307624a711b03fb15e7124cb Found module libcom_err.so.2 with build-id: a1d791cd7600f5609702a895a64d9131d1cd7b8f ...
mountpoint=/cdrom USERNAME="casper" USERNAME=casper USERFULLNAME="Live session user" HOSTNAME="live" BUILD_SYSTEM="Custom" HOST=live BUILD_SYSTEM=Custom mkdir -p $mountpoint [ -f /etc/casper.conf ] && . /etc/casper.conf export USERNAME USERFULLNAME HOSTNAME BUILD_SYSTEM export USERNAME ...