Studier EH (1996) Composition of bodies of cave crickets (Hade- noecus subterraneaus), their eggs, and their egg predator, Ne- aphaenops tellkampfi. Am Midl Nat 136:101-109Studier EH. 1996. Composition of bodies of cave crickets (Hadenoecus subterraneus), their eggs, and their egg ...
Before retiring to bed, what a good night sleep to hear the sounds of crickets and other night insects. For me, it’s like music to my ears! Of course, all good moments must come to an end, this whole island adventure will really be something to tell everyone back home. Summer is c...
As visitors gradually trickled into the gallery the room was transformed into a sticky greenhouse of singing cicadas and crickets in chorus. New media, digital art and virtual spaces open up unim- aginable possibilities for art in an age when it is hard to imagine life without smart phone...
as I have mentioned in the past posts that we continue to live and hope for a good life, we continue to do what is right and have faith in him, God will always direct the good way for us. I just hope and pray that it will never happen again. ...
1997. Patterns of gene flow and genetic structure in cave-dwelling crickets of the Tuscan endemic, Dolichopoda schiavazzii (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae). Heredity 78: 665-673.Allegrucci, G., M-G. Minasi, and V. Sbordoni. 1997 . Patterns of gene flow and genetic structure in cave-...