Cameras & Lenses (61) Composition (74) Digital Teleconverter (9) eBooks (15) New Zealand (1) Nikon 1 (2) Travel Photography (6) Colorado (1) Greece Travel Photography (1) Ireland (1) Nova Scotia Canada (2) South Dakota (1) Utah (1) Wyoming (1) Essays (121)...
During the Weekend Update, Jane Curtain reports on a nuclear-powered satellite that crashed into a Nova Scotia lobsterbed, and Roseanne Roseannadanna explains what an aneurysm is. Nick the lounge singer performs badly for a ski lodge. As the rest of the show continues, reports of monster ...
The island is one of the provinces that makes up the Atlantic Canada region on the country’s east coast, which also includes the provinces of Newfoundland & Labrador, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It is an area renowned for its sea-faring lifestyles, incredible food, dramatic scenery, and...
During the game, Travis Chalmers of Elmsdale, Nova Scotia said he suddenly felt a "warm sensation" in his chest, along with a splitting headache. At first, he thought it was a flu or cold coming on and "shrugged it off," he said. "About a half hour later, I'm laying down with m...
Locking ourselves in the past is a form of self-induced limitation. We may eventually come to the realization that we can’t bring those days back. They are gone. Spent. They cannot be relived. When we start to break away and free ourselves from parts of our past there can be feelings...
Discusses the problem of falling lens hood on cameras. Advice by Eric Wynne, a photographer in Halifax, Nova Scotia to keep lens hood intact; Suggestions by R. Clayton McKee, a photojournalist/writer in Houston, Texas; Use of adhesives to prevent falling lens hood.Grigsby...
During the past two seasons, new members joining the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia (The Guild) have mainly owned digital cameras. I would like to share the Guild's experience in adapting to digital imaging in the hope that it may benefit clubs elsewhere. In the late 90's, The Guild ...
Topics include the high moose population of Newfoundland, pilot projects to fence highways and install two infrared wildlife detection systems, and the moose crosswalks developed by ElectroBraid Fence in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, which use fencing, infrared cameras, and high-grade military tracking ...
The night has a thousand eyes:.The article reports that the police have consulted with the Sydney and Area Chamber of Commerce in Nova Scotia, on a proposal for closed-circuit surveillance cameras.McNeilGregNova Scotia Business Journal