It has been confirmed that there are currently three live-action Marvel TV shows in the works. One of these projects is the new Hulk TV show that we reported on last month, the second is likely a live-action Cloak & Dagger TV show (which was rumored along with the new Hulk show) and...
Nickelodeon has green-lit a live-action TV-movie adaptation of its hit animated series The Fairly Oddparents, has learned exclusively. The movie, titled A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up Timmy Turner!, will mix live action with CG animation and will follow a now-23-year-old Timmy, ...
Check out his dA page at; he not only does lovely and detailed Phantom art, but also interesting costuming takes on not only Phantom stuff, but a host of others you probably have some interest in too (going by my own experience of certain overlaps in ...
Reyyyyy.DA - DEVIANTART Twitter 17 comments Speak Link Share Flag 2nd-Dec-2013 12:54 am(no subject) i very recently lost my laptop's hard drive, which had a lot of art on it and current projects, writings, ideas, scripts, etc. it was pretty scary, harsh, shitty. made me feel re...
Deviantart- MAH GAWD LIVEJOURNAL!! XD- "How Heather was REALLY Born!"Status: Finished.Pairing(s): Harry/James, Travis/AlexRated: PG-16? Maybe NC-17?For: Language, MPreg, yaoi...
Website:Damnreccaishot's deviantart calendar October 2008 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 page summary japanese_tutor:Chapter 2 Extra and Exercises japanese_tutor:Chapter 2: Greetings japanese_tutor:Chapter 1: Excercises and Quiz (and something extra) ...
Tweak: Make sure "Edit with Elementor" action link is the last link in My Templates Fix: CSS parsing for non-existing controls (#6296) Fix: Shows only editable documents in Finder 2.3.3 - 2018-11-28 New: Added elementor/frontend/{$element_type}/should_render filter Tweak: Added a new...
I also watched the 1960s Batman TV show and Batman/Robin cartoon series. In the former, there was no romantic interaction between Dick (played by Burt Ward) and Barbara (Yvonne Craig). Barbara was a bit older than Dick in all the shows that I watched before Batman: The Animated series....
When acting for reasons we must decide that the end we pursue is the best, most worthwhile, goal to pursue and that the action we take in order to achieve that goal is the most suitable one. I should also add that even thinking involves such value choices about ends (what kinds of ...
The AST spring into action, but not before Yoshino calls her Angel--now GODZILLA-Sized!!--to aid in her escape. Beathing frozen air, the beast freezes the sheilds of two airborne AST agents, making them crash to the street. Origami lays into the beast by using magic to RAISE the ...