Tangledtells the tale of Rapunzel, the Brothers Grimm character that in modern times is best known as the magical, golden-haired Disney princess that’s been beloved to the family audience since 2010, when Disney’s studio released its animated version of the story. The animatedRapunzelstarredMan...
“She looks like a Disney princess in real life.” by Rachel Chapman July 1, 2024 Matt Crossick/Shutterstock for Global/Michael Simon for TJ Maxx/Elite Daily Disney has yet to officially announce a live-action Tangled movie, but there are rumors it’s in talks. So naturally, the internet...
Recently, Daniel Ritchman revealed on his Patreon (Followed by our friends over at The DisInsider) that Walt Disney wants to move forward with a Tangled live-action movie. In 2020, the studio put into production screenplays for several big IPs to be made into feature films. The scripts inclu...
Kathryn Hahn Reacts to Live-Action 'Tangled' Fan Casting Where She'd Sing! (Exclusive) 2:41 Robbie Williams Shows Off 'Brand-New Teeth' He Got Ahead of 2025 Golden Globes (Exclusive) 2:45 Watch Zoë Saldaña Run to Hug Ariana Grande Mid-Interview! (Exclusive) 1:11 Pamela Anderson ...
Kathryn Hahn Reacts to Live-Action 'Tangled' Fan Casting Where She'd Sing! (Exclusive) 2:41 Robbie Williams Shows Off 'Brand-New Teeth' He Got Ahead of 2025 Golden Globes (Exclusive) 2:45 Watch Zoë Saldaña Run to Hug Ariana Grande Mid-Interview! (Exclusive) 1:11 P...
Related: TANGLED Live-Action Movie Officially Moving Forward With THE GREATEST SHOWMAN Director Michael Gracey Rideback's Dan Lin and Jonathan Eirich are producing. Mike Van Waes wrote an early draft of the script, but Chris Kekaniokalani Bright penned the most recent version. ...
Disney has yet to cast an actress to play the live-action Lilo. Presumably Stitch will be a CGI creation. (Although casting an actual human dog, painting it blue, and sticking a few extra arms on its sides would be a pretty incredible choice.) ...
Disney has yet to cast an actress to play the live-action Lilo. Presumably Stitch will be a CGI creation. (Although casting an actual human dog, painting it blue, and sticking a few extra arms on its sides would be a pretty incredible choice.) ...
It's been confirmed that a live-action take on cult '90s animated series, Gargoyles, is in the works for Disney+, but this will actually be a series, not the movie that was rumored back in July...
Disney has yet to cast an actress to play the live-action Lilo. Presumably Stitch will be a CGI creation. (Although casting an actual human dog, painting it blue, and sticking a few extra arms on its sides would be a pretty incredible choice.) ...