Nickelodeon has green-lit a live-action TV-movie adaptation of its hit animated series The Fairly Oddparents, has learned exclusively. The movie, titled A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up Timmy Turner!, will mix live action with CG animation and will follow a now-23-year-old Timmy, ...
Dora the Explorer and The Fairly OddParents are getting the live-action TV treatment.The Nickelodeon series will be rebooted for Paramount+.Dora the Explorer, which ran for eight seasons, will return in live-action form aimed at kids 6-11. The series follows Dora Marquez, a 7-year-old Lati...
Today I'm thankful for being that much closer to seeing more Miraculous, being fairly close to finishing this dungeon story (if only there weren't a second one...), getting to watch Sandboy, having plenty of things to distract us from our eagerness to see more Miraculous, and getting ...