Windows, Unix and ANSI C API Comparison 项目 2009/03/20 The "Windows System Programming"(3E) has a great appendix about Windows, Unix, C Library API comparison. It's obvious that this appendix lacks of many APIs in Memory, DLL and Security related areas, but it is still very helpful ...
Xv6是由麻省理工学院(MIT)为操作系统工程的课程开发的以教学目的的操作系统。Xv6是在x86处理器上(x即指x86)用ANSI标准C重新实现的Unix第六版(Unix V6,通常直接被称为V6)。 Xv6设计灵感来源 Unix系统最早由KenThompson、Dennis Ritchie和Douglas McIlroy在贝尔实验室开发的操作系统,而现代广泛使用的Linux、Mac OS ...
Windows, Unix and ANSI C API Comparison 项目 2009/03/20 The "Windows System Programming"(3E) has a great appendix about Windows, Unix, C Library API comparison. It's obvious that this appendix lacks of many APIs in Memory, DLL and Security related areas, but it is still very helpful ...
GNU C 与 ANSI C(上) Linux 上可用的 C 编译器是 GNU C 编译器,它建立在自由软件基金会的编程许可证的基础上,因此可以自由发布。GNU C 是对标准 C 进行的一系列扩展,以增强标准 C 的功能。 1. 零长度和变量长度数组 GNU C 允许使用零长度数组,在定义变长对象的头结构时,这个特性非常有用。例如: stru...
libcsv is a small, simple and fast CSV library written in pure ANSI C89 that can read and write CSV data. | libcsv是用纯ANSI C89编写的小型、简单、快速的CSV库,支持读写CSV数据. - GitHub - ZakiLiu/libcsv: libcsv is a small, simple and fast CSV library wri
GNU C 与 ANSI C(下) 1. 语句表达式 GNU C 把包含在括号中的复合语句看做是一个表达式,称作语句表达式,它可以出现在任何允许表达式的地方。我们可以在语句表达式中使用原本只能在复合语句中使用的循环、局部变量等,例如: #definemin_t(type, x, y) \...
Windows, Unix and ANSI C API Comparison 项目 2009/03/20 The "Windows System Programming"(3E) has a great appendix about Windows, Unix, C Library API comparison. It's obvious that this appendix lacks of many APIs in Memory, DLL and Security related areas, but it is still very helpful ...
There are several ways to incorporate cJSON into your project. copying the source Because the entire library is only one C file and one header file, you can just copy cJSON.h and cJSON.c to your projects source and start using it. cJSON is written in ANSI C (C89) in order to sup...
libcsv is a small, simple and fast CSV library written in pure ANSI C89 that can read and write CSV data. | libcsv是用纯ANSI C89编写的小型、简单、快速的CSV库,支持读写CSV数据. - GitHub - liu2guang/libcsv: libcsv is a small, simple and fast CSV library w
Windows, Unix and ANSI C API Comparison 项目 2009/03/20 The "Windows System Programming"(3E) has a great appendix about Windows, Unix, C Library API comparison. It's obvious that this appendix lacks of many APIs in Memory, DLL and Security related areas, but it is still very helpful ...