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Successful graduates also may choose to enter medical, osteopathic, veterinary or dental schools to obtain professional degrees. In addition, students can choose from a wide variety of health-related fields, such as physical therapy, nursing, genetic counseling, radiologic technology, to name a few....
新西兰一共将672个职业定义为可以申请技术移民的技能职业,原则上任何一位申请技术移民的申请人,都将以下面清单中的某一个职位来提名技术移民申请。 新西兰的这份可移民SOL职业清单来源于澳大利亚和新西兰共用的ANZSCO职业标准(类似于职业大典)。ANZSCO职业标准一共有998个独立职位,新西兰的这份可移民职业清单,基本上涵盖了...