Is LIU Brooklyn the best health school for you? Find out at US News. See if LIU Brooklyn is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
All applicants must apply for admission to LIU Brooklyn. Please apply online at My LIU or use the Apply Now link in the top navigation bar. For more information on the admissions process, visit the Office of Admissions website. Fully matriculated students may begin their research projects after...
As previously reported inBLACK ENTERPRISE,Jay-Z’s Roc Nationpartneredwith LIU to open theRoc NationSchool of Music, Sports & Entertainment based in Brooklyn, New York, for students to pursue undergraduate degree programs in music technology, entrepreneurship, sports management, an...
学校所在的纽约市位于美国东北部哈德逊河口,濒临大西洋,是美国和美洲最大的城市。全市由曼哈顿 (Manhattan) 、布鲁克林 (Brooklyn) 、皇后区 (Queens) 、布郎克斯 (Bronxs) 和斯塔滕岛 (Staten Island) 五个区组成;面积 830 平方公里。 纽约也是美国的文化中心,有大大小小近 200 家剧场,近百家电影院,近 200 ...