By a very natural process, the word, which thus designated the public function or service performed by the ministry, became restricted in its meaning to the form itself — the form of words in which such service was rendered, and thus, certainly before the middle of the fifth century, we ...
Hinge Hours Morning and evening prayers structure the liturgical day. Liturgical Calendar Schedule of the Church's liturgical seasons. Advent First season in the Liturgical calendar. Gaudete Sunday Third Sunday in Advent with rose vestments. Easter Triduum Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil...
may, with the help of her intercession,rise up from our iniquities.Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever. Excerpts from the English translation of The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes) © ...
when soldiers stand at attention, and most especially when they serve as a silent honor guard for the dead. A few years ago, I attended the burial of an Army veteran at a veterans’ cemetery. All of us in the funeral cortege had arrived at the cemetery ahead of the priest, who had ...
That said, the exhibit hammered home what some of my long-time liberal friends who are not Jews – and even some who are – do not, I fear, fully comprehend. I don’t mean just the all-out protesters on college campuses. I mean good solid friends who support a Jewish state and ...
Granted, to say “I love you” or “I miss you” is an act of vulnerability. It risks our not being loved back, or not being missed in return. “You are loved” or “you are missed” becomes this general statement, but I wonder who loves me and who misses me. Do you, the say...
“Unless there is a Good Friday in our lives, there will never be an Easter Sunday. The Cross is the condition of the empty tomb, and the crown of thorns is the preface to the halo of light.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen Fifteen years later it is easy to forget just how consumed America...