ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. Eucharistic liturgy - a Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine Eucharist, Holy Eucharist, Holy Sacrament, Liturgy, Lord's Supper, sacrament of the Eucharist sacrament - a formal re...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Liturgy- a Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine Eucharist,Eucharistic liturgy,Holy Eucharist,Holy Sacrament,Lord's Supper,sacrament of the Eucharist ...
the service of the Eucharist, especially this serviceDivine Liturgyin the Eastern Church. Discover More Other Words From an ti·lit ur·gyadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofliturgy1 1550–60;<Late Latinlītūrgia<Greekleitourgíapublic service,ecclesiastical Greek:Eucharist, equ...
They are also associated with other prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings, by which each is expanded and developed, the whole blending into a comprehensive service, by means of which the worship of the Church ascends on the wings of the eucharistic service, and her strength descends in ...
Finally, an assessment will be made of their commonalities, complementarities of their interpretations, and the representation of their interpretations of the Eucharist in their own church traditions. Key-words: Eucharist, liturgy, ritual, countercultural, Henri de LubacAu, Yik Pui...
英文: Community members participate actively in the liturgy as music ministers, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, sacristans, and altar servers. 中文: 礼仪中各服务如读经、送圣体、傅祭、翻译、音乐礼仪等都是由团体中的教友轮流负责。 更详细... 英文: His successor has upset Muslims (by seeming ...
A Historical, Catechetical, Canonical, and Ecumenical Case for the Elevation of Consecrated Elements in Anglican Eucharistic Worship This article explores a brief history of the elevation of the consecrated communal elements during the Anglican Holy Communion liturgy (after the Words of ... W Sipling...
celebration of the Eucharist, Eucharist, Eucharistic liturgy, Holy Eucharist, Holy Sacrament, Lord's Supper, sacrament of the EucharistLiturgy Meaning With Definition in Urdu Liturgy meaning in urdu is عیسایوں کی عبادت کا قایدہ - esayon ...
LTPLaw of Total Probability LTPLinear Transportation Problem LTPLink Termination Point LTPLine Trunk Peripheral LTPLine Test Position LTPliquid transfer pump LTPLupong Tagapagpaganap ng Pook LTPLikes to Party LTPLocal Tangent Plane Coordinate System ...
Not all members "have the same function" (Rom 12:4). Ordained ministers are called by God and consecrated by Holy Orders. They are an "icon" of Christ and act in the person of Christ. This ministry of the bishop (as well as priests and deacons) is most evident in the Eucharist. ...