This has been proven quite problematic from the Amazon-hiring algorithm failure, where women candidates were more often devalued than men, as the company traditionally had hired few women (Bogen, 2019). The algorithm concluded that being a woman was an undesirable characteristic for recruitment ...
Lockdown in Panama is strictly enforced, with men allowed out one day and women the next. But this has been used by some as an excuse to harass members of the trans community. Coronavirus: They grabbed my breasts and said, ‘You’re not a woman’ (BBC, tells her past story and ...
123 Barefoot Grin Jan 6, 2023 • 2:49:51pm down 8 up report re: #120 Crush White Nationalism I just clicked on the Libertarian twitter account you linked to and even though I live in ground-zero libertarian dumb zone of “Free State” NH, I was still taken aback by the stupi...
The national Klan office was finally established in Dallas,Texas, but Little Rock, Arkansas was the home of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan. The first head of this auxiliary was a former president of the ArkansasWCTU.[89][verification needed] Membership in the Klan and in other prohibition ...
完形填空。 Charlie Chaplin was the first international star of the modern art of movies. He was especially beloved forhis Little Tramp 1 . He was the first screen artist to write 2 and perform in his own film
最近开始学用beamer做幻灯片,然而beamer不能使用dvipdfmx来生成pdf所以对中文标签的支持不能通过dvipdfmx来完成。我用的是utf8环境,CJKutf8可以很好的完成中文标签tounicode的转换,但是beamer.cls中的定义存在问题。batman在bbs.ctex.org上提出了对其的修改,使之能支持CJKutf8宏包的这一功能。具体如下: ...