All dates What to expect Experience the quirky charm of Little Shop of Horrors, an off-Broadway musical sensation in the heart of New York! This cult classic tells the story of a shy flower shop assistant who discovers a mysterious plant with a sinister appetite. As the plant grows, so...
In addition, now that I’m largely healed from the horrors of radiation, I’ve been meeting regularly with my plastic surgeon, who’s been slowly refilling the expander in my right boob (which he’d UNfilled prior to radiation, to get it out of the way of the hell beams), so I’m ...
And after over two years of inexplicable face horrors exacerbated by the pregnancy hormones, I found a German line called Lavera Faces that has been doing no less than wonders for my destroyed skin in just a matter of days. “It’s not the product,” my cosmetologist friend asserted, “it...
Laura and Almanzo’s first nine years of marriage were marred by economic hardship and personal loss. Both had diphtheria and Almanzo suffered a subsequent stroke, which left him permanently disabled. As Rose later wrote, her father “limped through the rest of his ninety years and was never ...
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