If you are in need of urgent or emergency care, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department at your local hospital.If you are sick or have a minor injury and need to talk to someone right away, you can access UAMS HealthNow for a video visit with a UAMS Health provider 8 a...
Found him under the bed multiple times after an emergency vehicle went by, having sought cover without even waking up. I think the lack of proper care of the military after they return from combat is criminal. Edit: fixed typo. 128 BigPapa Dec 27, 2019 • 9:46:29a...
The mayor of Brazil’s largest city, São Paulo, has said its health system could collapse as demand grows for emergency beds to deal with coronavirus cases. Bruno Covas said the city’s public hospitals had reached 90% and could run out of space in about two weeks. São Paulo is...
Part 1 of a two part assignment using Markov processes. - Duke-CS201-MarkovProject-Part1/data/littlebrother.txt at master · ggaugler/Duke-CS201-MarkovProject-Part1
Arkansas Repertory Theatre. He was also involved in the planning and promotion of the Elizabeth Eckford Bench which was installed near Little Rock Central High School in September 2018. Later that month, he presided over an event celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Women’s Emergency Committee...
. . and when I told her it seemed like I might live after all, she asked if I felt well enough to take her to the emergency room the next day. When I tell you that set off ALL my alarm bells, I mean all the cathedrals, boxing rings, and middle school bell choirs in the ...
I'm heating things up a little in T-Town. They call me 'The Seeker' George Orwell: "There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” This is the end
We see a lot of fancy sports cars up here–we’re not all that far from the Lime Rock race course, and most of the second home businessmen up here seem to own stock in Porsche–but this car stood out. It was a low-slung Lamborghini in what one of my friends down at the tavern ...
When emergency crews arrive at a hospital and the patient is already deceased, they are declared DOA, or "dead on arrival." Over the years, the phrase has made its way outside medical terminology to include anything that arrives at its destination without a chance of making it. A common ...
A subset of extreme environmentalists who are also driving the ‘climate emergency’ narrative know that the above point is the case, but actually think there should be no more than around 500 million people on the planet living a lifestyle similar in terms of technology to that of the Amis...