It blew right down too! The two little pigs ran away as fast as they could to their brother's house. The wolf came to the third little pig's house and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" "Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!" said the ...
It's a fun and engaging story that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. Here's a simplified version of the Three Little Pigs story in English: Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who lived with their mother. They had grown up and it was time for th...
【RAZ-O】Three Little Pigs The Wolf's Story 05:28 【RAZ-O】Troika Canine Superhero 06:00 【RAZ-O】Two Make Twins 07:01 【RAZ-O】Whales 08:29 【RAZ-O】What Happens When You Flush 09:09 【RAZ-O】Where's Your Hair 07:46 【RAZ-O】William Shakespeare 10:21 【RAZ-O】Wo...
自制英语绘本皮影戏《三只小猪的真实故事》The True Story of Three Little Pigs 5747 6 1:41 App 睡前故事:狐狸与葡萄(中英字幕) 1485 -- 11:21 App 【经典故事英语绘本40】The Three Little Pigs 三只小猪世界经典英语启蒙 有声英文动画故事 睡前故事 磨耳朵 22.3万 94 10:06 App ◤宝贝童話故事◥三只...
The Three Little Pigs is professionally narrated fairy tale that gives you 100% as-in-book experience, specially designed to challenge children to think creatively, use their imagination and motivate them to find and appreciate the moral of the story. ...
Your story with the Three Little Pigs – Interactive tales for kids Now, the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf have a story with the name of son/daughter a…
《三只小猪》是一个著名的英国童话,讲述了三只小猪在长大后,学好了本领,各自盖了不同的房子,却遭遇大灰狼,最后想出办法赶走大灰狼的故事。采用英文讲述,让不懂外语的家长也能培养出英语流利的宝宝! 章节列表(1) The Three Little Pigs(三只小猪)
童话故事 | The Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 英语教具制作 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容低质 不看此公众号内容 童话故事学单词 Story1 《The princess and the Pea》 Toast英语学习笔记小阶零基础 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容低质 不看此公众号内容...
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