学习成本低 ——身为一个轻量级的标记语言,Markdown拥有较少的标记符号,经常用到的就更少了,而且非常简单。 任何文本编辑器都可以打开 ——Markdown文档实际上就是纯文本(plain text)格式,只要是个文本编辑器都可以打开,只不过支持Markdown语法的编辑器会将其渲染成相应格式,由于其语法足够简单,即使用不支持Markdow...
橙色太阳爆发射线矢量png图像_(orange-sun-burst-rays-vector-png-image_) 幸福是奋斗出来 7个月前 太阳(142) 幸福是奋斗出来 9个月前 矢量透明太阳光特殊镜头光斑光效果太阳闪光与png图像_879(vector-transparent-sunlight-special-lens-flare-light-effect-sun-flash-with-png-image_879) 幸福是奋斗出来...
Presley and J’onn were sitting at the table, and J’onn was about to take some medicine and vitamins. She told him to “take the orange pill, I love it, it’s yummy!” (A Vitamin C chewable.) Eva, barely coherent on the sofa, chimed in with a completely monotone voice, “No ...
Terry Tucker's Orange Clockwork (1) Texas Tornadoes (1) The Jaynetts (2) The Jolly Brothers (1) The 13th Floor Elevators (1) The 1910 Fruitgum Comapny (1) The 23rd Turnoff (2) The 4 Barons (1) The 4 Seasons (1) The 45 King (1) The 5th Dimension (5) The ...
Note the burning ship in the background on the crest of a swell and the orange sun, both clearly homages to Howard Pyle’s painting. Scanned from a trading card. Author’s collection. I hesitated to post the image above, of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Captain Blood by William Stout. The ...
Terry Tucker's Orange Clockwork (1) Texas Tornadoes (1) The Jaynetts (2) The Jolly Brothers (1) The 13th Floor Elevators (1) The 1910 Fruitgum Comapny (1) The 23rd Turnoff (2) The 4 Barons (1) The 4 Seasons (1) The 45 King (1) The 5th Dimension (5) The ...
The top is covered in electrical tape, but there's still about half of the orange liquid still sloshing around in the bottle. "Oh, Celestia... How do you still have that?" You raise an eyebrow at her. "Celestia? Our old principal?" Sunset shoots you a confused look back for a...
but just mind your head and feet and keep an eye out for my little Bella and Cricket The Blind as well as the memories of Raspberry (Razzy), Mimi the Quirky, of Blink The Lil' Kit, Grayson the Mighty, Shoes the Big Orange, Shana-Girl, Benny Good Man Benny Brown, Merlin & Bob. ...
Next time I’ll need to remember to take itbeforetraveling. I’m surprised that the pill looked rather pink, but then it dissolved into a dark orange color, sort of like orange soda. The taste was sort of like a watered down Gatorade. ...
Her perfume was like an orange on Christmas morning, something from his childhood. He hadn't thought of his childhood in decades. Randy and he looked at each other over the litter on the table. The server brought a check over on a small silver tray and Randy took a quick look at it...