Enjoying: sunshine streaming in the windows. I woke at 7am and the room was full of delicious golden light. Appreciating: birdsong, winter flowers, beautiful views, friendly people Eating: lentil dal. I made what turned out to be my best ever. Just on the spur of the moment because I ...
I didn’t realise they would produce so many. Our lovely neighbour watered our garden when we were on holiday and so I took her some. It’s time to pass them around I think! The peas are ready and absolutely delicious. We had roast chicken and lots of summer veg on Sunday, the peas...
looking fully alert, ears up. I think he must have heard us. When he took off, streaming across the grass, it was magical. We see hares often but I will never become blasé about it.
Bluebells HOPING for sunnier days please, today we had everything: a dramatic hailstorm, torrential rain which was so heavy I had to stop the car, then weak sunshine and super fluffy white clouds in a blue sky NOTICING A MASSIVE spider by the bed this morning. The spider pot (an old r...