The Little League® Intermediate World Series is the most exciting of the 7 Little League World Series to watch. It was to be held at Max Baer Park in Livermore California from August 2 to 9, 2020, but was Cancelled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic This is the eighth year of the Interm...
who missed three seasons, came back to the Boston Red Sox and hit for a .342 average, and led the league with 142 runs scored, whichwon him the American League most valuable player award. However, Williams's Red Sox fell short in the World Series, succumbing to the St. Louis Cardinals...
The Intermediate World Series is the most exciting of the 7 Little League World Series to watch. It is the first year that the runners can lead off the bases before the pitch, requiring the pitchers to hold them on. At 70 feet between bases, it is far easier to steal than in the Jun...