Little League Bat Standards Little League Baseball will be adopting new bat standards as of January 1, 2018. All bats manufactured last year are now ineligible for use in any Little League activity. In order to participate in the league, all players must use USA Baseball approved bats. ...
Little League Bats - Must be "USA Baseball" Certified This is a reminder to parents and players that all non-wood or laminated bats MUST display the "USA Baseball" certification logo (on the bat's handle) to be used in any Little League games or practices. ...
Wellesley Little League returns to metal bats ; Cites study that shows wood may be no saferMatt Rocheleau
Describes the features of the aluminum bat, which was designed after aluminum was found to be useful in Soviet spacecraft and military fighters. Information pertaining to the scandium-aluminum product called the `Redline'; Estimated cost of Baseball and Little League modelled bats; Benefits of scand...
In our senior year in cross country, we were floating in the top spots in our league, never top three, but usually ranked within the top ten inThe Sun. Cross country is a weird sport for a lot of reasons not just because peeing your pants and chafing and vomiting are normal and also...
Margate Little League baseball bans metal batsHILT, ED
A pitch for the end of metal bats in Little LeagueJEFFREY PAGE