Krishna, in his sermon to Arjuna, advises that, where the goal is worthy, action is always better than inaction! Even if the consequences of such action are to be regretted! Carrisford: [looking at him incredulously] You made that up. Ram Dass: Yes, sahib... Carrisford: You're an ...
184.How aspirin was discovered - Krishna 05:45 185.The ballet that incited a riot - Ise... 05:04 186.What did democracy really mean in At... 04:52 187.Why do we pass gas - Purna Kashyap 04:58 188.The case of the missing fractals - A... 04:53 189.Why should you read Charl...
James Krishna Floyd James Landry-Hebert James Mackenzie James Mark James Morrison James N Knight James Nelson-Joyce James Newton James Northcote James Norton James Oliver Wheatley James Osborne James Robertson James Russo James Spinney James Stannard James Viller James Ward Ja...
Mehrotra, Arvind KrishnaQuestThis essay argues that the Cultural Cold War is one of the indispensable backgrounds against which the story of modernisms in India must be reconsidered. Using a wealth of unpublished or forgotten documents, it throws light on the ways by which the Cold War shaped ...
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Krishna, in his sermon to Arjuna, advises that, where the goal is worthy, action is always better than inaction! Even if the consequences of such action are to be regretted! Carrisford: [looking at him incredulously] You made that up. Ram Dass: Yes, sahib... Carrisford: You're an ...