The 13 episodes of "Little Krishna" is a result of seven years of painstaking research work, handpicked from the chronicles of Krishna, the most remarkable stories of the legendary prankstar in the Indian heritage. The episodes are narrated in a manner, engrossing enough to mesmerize the audien...
Dolly's Little Helper: With Sheena Bajaj, Gurdeep Kohli, Ananya Kolvankar, Akash Nair. Dolly tries to impress her Hindi teacher by bringing Nikki to class in costumes for a presentation, but Nikki vomits on the teacher and makes the class sick as well. H It’s slightly tilted, not me! A Victorian postbox. VR for Queen Victoria which stands for Victoria Regina. Regina means Queen in Latin Leafy Cheltenham, it’s all so green And now I shall put my beautiful skin of Hendricks away, hopefully just for a little...
Plato said the gods periodically purge the world, and in the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna says whenever there is a rise of irreligion I descend millenia after millenia. Do you think we’re due for a purge? a good flood to wash all the miscreants into the ocean? Bg 4.7 — Whenever and wh...
A friend of mine in London has taken up with the Hare Krishnas. She is not that terribly heavily into the spiritual aspect, she just appreciates the company and community, people who can gather and have fun without alcoholic or drugged excess and she helps with food dis...