Nintendo Switch Select a product DigitalLittle Kitty, Big City This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. A peaceful catnap turns into a whimsical adventure! Will you make your way home or will you explore what the big city has to offer first? I mean, getting home...
类型: 游戏/模拟/冒险 平台: PC/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch/XSX 别名: 大城小猫 预计上市时间: 2024-05-09 发行日期: 2024-05-09 豆瓣评分 7.4 258人评价 5星 22.1% 4星 39.5% 3星 28.7% 2星 7.0% 1星 2.7% 想玩在玩玩过 评价: 写文字写攻略 ...
《小猫咪大城市》Switch版公布 和PC同步推出 猫咪模拟游戏《小猫咪大城市(Little Kitty, Big City )》除了此前公布的PC Steam版外,今日开发商Double Dagger还公布了游戏的Switch版本。该作将于2024年发售,同步登陆Steam和Switch平台。关于这款游戏 一个平静的小憩变成了一个异想天开的冒险!你是要回家呢,还是要...
扮演猫猫的冒险游戏《小猫咪 大城市》(Little Kitty, Big City)将于2024年春季登陆 Nintendo SwitchGN传送 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 149 0 01:08 App 类银河恶魔城游戏《魔骨》宣传片公开,将登陆 Nintendo Switch、PS5、XBOX Series以及 Steam,发售日期未定。 150 0 01:28 App 《...
猫咪扮演游戏《Little Kitty, Big City》宣布追加 官方简体中文 支持。预计 2024年 发售,登陆 PC,Switch,Game Pass。 扮演一只个性十足的好奇小猫,踏上寻找回家之路的大冒险!探索这座巨大的城市,结交各色...
Little Kitty, Big City is coming to Nintendo Switch on May 9, 2024! Little Kitty, Big City - Announcement Trailer Will you make your way home or will you explore what the big city has to offer first? I mean, getting home is obviously your main priority. Obviously. Well, it's ......
switch《小猫咪,大城市(Little Kitty, Big City)》2024年即将发售《Little Kitty, Big City》是一款以猫咪为主题的养成游戏,游戏中的城市场景非常精美,每个角落都充满了生机和活力。玩家可以在城市中自由探索,发现各种隐藏的地点和任务。游戏中有很多不同的环节,包括捉老鼠、玩耍、吃食物等等,这些都会对猫咪的成长和...
Little Kitty, Big City sets off to do something simple and does it well, delivering a fantastically cute and charming little cat game where you can do everything you expect a cute kitty to do. Short, sweet, and relaxing, Little Kitty, Big City just might be one of the best games to ...
Little Kitty, Big City (NS) - ReviewTweet by Evan Norris , posted on 09 May 2024 / 2,476 Views If there's one way to make your game more buzz-worthy, it's by adding a cat to it. The barely-domesticated animals, which oscillate from sleepy indifference to murderous violence, are ...
Double Dagger Studio 今天宣布,猫咪冒险游戏《Little Kitty, Big City》将于 2024 年推出 Switch 版,PC Steam 版现正开发中。