Some local Little League programs have players recite The Little League Pledge, which was written in the 1950s and which reiterates acceptable conduct before each game or league function. However, reciting of the pledge has never been a requirement of the Little League organization. The pledge, w...
The kids were able to see elk, bear, otter, eagles, and a cougar. I thought I had taken pictures of this but I must not have. We were also able to get quite close to many wild deer roaming around the mountain during the day was we hiked and explored. While visiting the nature ...
we all went out in the dark of the morning for Kelly to participate in her first triathlon.We practiced transitions from swim to bike to run with her,we got all the equipment she'd need,and we kept talking about the race.But as we waited the two hours for the older kids to finish ...
Ifhe hits it to the infield, the fielder will toss it to the bucket behind thepitchers mound. Reinforce to the players that they must toss to the bucket onone or two bounces or they will tend to play basketball with the baseball andbucket. Now the point here is that the fielders do ...
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“Some of the other kids come to our desks, and we give them the help they need. We help them read directions because they can’t read well yet,” Kevin said. “But some of us give the first-graders too much help--they give them the answers.” ...