Little House on the Prairie was an American television family drama that aired on the National Broadcasting Company network for nine seasons (1974–83) and was loosely based on the ‘Little House’ books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The beloved show consiste
Season 3 of “Little House on the Prairie” is filled with love, courage, hardships, and tests of faith. Just as in seasons past, the Ingalls must come together to face decisions about their future and find the courage to overcome tragedies. Season 3 aired from September 27th, 1976 through...
“Little House on the Prairie,” as Adam Kendall, the husband of Mary Ingalls, played byMelissa Sue Anderson. He was also in a made-for-TV movie called, “Suddenly Love”released the same year. Adamjoined the cast at the end ofSeason Fourwhen Mary was at her darkest hour – coming to...
‘Nasty Nellie’ on life after ‘Little House on the Prairie’ Fox411: 'Little House on the Prairie' star Alison Arngrim stars in new showAfter decades of best being recognized the bratty Nellie Oleson from "Little House on the Prairie," Alison Arngrim is having ...
Alison Arngrim, who played bratty Nellie Oleson, previously toldFox News“Little House on the Prairie” is currently airing in 140 countries and has kept her busy traveling to make appearances, especially in France where “Little House” has a cult following. ...
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