Little House on the Prairie: Directed by Michael Landon. With Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson. The story of the Ingalls family who left their house in Wisconsin and moved to the west, wanting to find a new place for h
Caroline Ingalls (Karen Grassle) – Caroline is the wife of Charles and mother of their four daughters. Every bit as hardworking as her husband, she often helps on the farm as well as taking care of the house and children. At a time when women were expected to obey their husbands witho...
Little House on the Prairie is published. The fictional Ingalls family begins its trek across the American West in Little House on the Prairie, set on the Osage Diminished Reserve in Kansas. July 1935 Rose moves to Columbia, Missouri, to research a new book. Laura and Almanzo move back into...
Anyway, we left at 11:30 and went to our favorite restaurant in North Bend (Tin Thistle Cafe) and the lighthouse at Bullards Beach, where sea lions flapped their little feet at us through the ice cold waves. We were at Face Rock when we realized that we’d left the mushroom spritzer ...
I grew up in southwestern OH in the 1950s.Across the road from our house was North Hamilton Airport, and most every thing was gone by the time I could remember.Elmer Treiber was the principal behind it & he was killed in a Aeronca C3. After that it really slowed down.”...
The number of T-hangars had also shrunk to only 1, and the number of aircraft visible had reduced to only 2. Taylor Airport was evidently closed at some point between 1972-80, as a 1980 aerial view showed a house had been built over the site of the T-hangars, and the area of the...
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