Looking for classic tales and new adventures? There’s a Little Golden Book for that! Little Golden Books have been part of children’s lives for over 80 years and have helped millions of children develop a lifelong love of reading. Find your next story
希希妈妈读童书创作的儿童有声书作品小金色童书Little Golden Books,目前已更新22个声音,收听最新音频章节小推船闯世界。谁也没有想到,美国兰登书屋出版的只卖25美分一本的“小金色童书”系列会彻底改写...
Before the introduction of Little Golden Books in, 1942, children’s books weren’t necessarily made with children’s interests in mind. They were usually large volumes that were too difficult for young readers to handle or comprehend, and were sold at 2 to 3 each (that’s about 28- 42 ...
小金色童书Little Golden Books 1.1万 下载订阅分享 谁也没有想到,美国兰登书屋出版的只卖25美分一本的“小金色童书”系列会彻底改写出版的历史。它的文字讲究有趣,图画精美,所有人都买得起。图画书不再是一小部分人的阅读专利。 创作“小金色童书”系列的队伍当中,有众多知名的画家和作家。包括《夏洛的网》...
Looking for classic tales and new adventures? There’s a Little Golden Book for that! Little Golden Books have been part of children’s lives for over 80 years and have helped millions of children develop a lifelong love of reading. Find your next story
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《The Wild Swans (Little Golden Books)野天鹅(金色童书)ISBN9780375864308》,作者:Hans Christian Andersen 攻,出版社:Random House US。最新《The Wild Swans (Little Golden Books)野天鹅(金色童书)ISBN9780375864308》简介、书评、
《Richard Scarry’s Best Little Golden Books Ever 理查德·斯凯瑞棒呆了 兰登书屋精装小金书 英文版进口英语原版书籍 英文原版》,作者:Richard Scarry’s Best Little Golden Books Ever 理查德·斯凯瑞棒呆了 兰登书屋精装小金书 英文版进口英语原版书籍 英文原版Scarr
《【全店300-80】 现货 理查德·斯凯瑞12本小金书套装 儿童绘本 100年诞辰纪念 英文原版 Richard Scarry's Best Box of Little Golden Books》,作者:【全店300-80】 现货 理查德·斯凯瑞12本小金书套装 儿童绘本 100年诞辰纪念 英文原版 Richard Scarry's Best Box of Litt
书名:The Shy Little Kitten (Little Golden Books) 害羞的小猫 兰登书屋精装小金书作者:GUSTAF TENGGREN ;CATHLEEN SCHURR出版社名称:Golden Books出版时间:1999语种:英语ISBN:9780307001450商品尺寸:20.3 x 16.8 x 0.5 cm包装:精装页数:24(以实物为准) The Shy Little Kitten, with illustrations by the renowned ...
英文原版 理查德 斯凯瑞 小金书套装12本 Richard Scarry’s Best Box of Little Golden Books 儿童故事绘本 ¥ 立即购买 装帧:盒装 作者:Richard Scarry 开本:20.3×17.8cm 页数:约12页/册 语言:英语 IS BN:9781984849168 出版社:Golden Books 作者介绍: ...