The morning charities and ceremonies took so much time that the rest of the day was devoted to preparations for the evening festivities. Being still too young to go often to the theater, and not rich enough to afford any great outlay for private performances, the girls put their wits to wo...
"Girls," said Meg seriously, looking from the tumbled head beside her to the two little night-capped ones in the room beyond, "Mother wants us to read and love and mind these books, and we must begin at once. We used to be faithful about it, but since Father went away and all thi...
Very clever were some of their productions, pasteboard guitars, antique lamps made of old-fashioned butter boats covered with silver paper, gorgeous robes of old cotton, glittering with tin spangles from a pickle factory, and armor covered with the same useful diamond shaped bits left inn sheets...
‘I don’t think it’s fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all,’ added little Amy, with an injured sniff. ‘We’ve got Father and Mother, and each other,’ said Beth contentedly from her corner. The four young faces on which the fire...
There was ice cream, actually two dishes of it, pink and white, and cake and fruit and distracting french bonbons and, in the middle of the table, four great bouquets of hot house flowers. It quite took their breath away, and they stared first at the table and then at their mother,...
There was black magic practiced by wicked witches who wore black robes and pointed hats, and white magic practiced by good witches like Glinda in the Wizard of Oz, who really looked more like a fairy princess. The good witches didn’t seem all that interesting to me, but I always tried ...
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic hosts an array of creatures that have a counterpart in both mythology and fantasy, some of which are far more removed from their realistic counterpart than usual animals. A few creatures, like dragons and Diamond Dogs,
Inviting robes hung in the alluring bathroom, a stately tub, a glass shower and even more extraordinary scenery-certainly the prettiest lookout from a toilet I have ever seen! We settled in, capturing the final moments of the vanishing sunset. The deep pink sky melting into the sea’s edges...
But, her scream is really high pitch and lovely and she is really pretty when she cries. I just love making girls cry. In the best way possible of course. Morgan found it cathartic and much fun was had by all. Here are some of the beautiful photos for our first scene which is live...
He wore such lovely robes! You can't buy silk like that in this country. And he had such a PURE look in this eyes. So many of these magnetic people lack that pure look, you know. He used to give talks to a Little Group of Serious Thinkers I belong to. He taught us to go ...