Place Sherbet on the toilet and watch him poop his magic colorful poop into the bowl. Scoop up the magic poop! It dries instantly so you can feed and watch Sherbet poop again and again! Sherbet loves to chat, record and repeat back what you say as he moves!
A woman playfully places bunny ears on a little girls head at the dining tableMore Videos of these models 4K Happy little child sits on children's potty shows like sign, learning to pee 4K Funny girl toddler sits on child's potty explore...
other on the tire swing to gathering around to check out the awesome cello mastery of ThePianoGuys, from chowing down on mexican food at Tijuana Flats to burning waffles for breakfast, and from trying on jewelry to decorating cupcakes, these homeschooled girls are as All-American as apple ...
XXX Raimie -Yellow-Nerd Lover-Outdoors-Perky Tits-Potty Play Fan Signs Bailey's Room Hi guys, I wanted to put this up for you on Poony's site to get to let you guys all know there's a new girl in town. I was home schooled and never met many guys before. I'm also attending ...
by Little Sumo Girl in Bali, Beauty, Fun Facts, Travel Tags: Braids, School girls, uniform I know that it may be the trend for some people to get ‘Ze Dreads‘ or the ‘Ze Braids‘ while vacationing on the beach, but that’s just not the look I’m going for. When I talk abou...
children, to reflect the heart of our Father to our own little ones. We can help them to process their emotions. We can work with them to resolve their problems. And we can equip them with the life skills they’ll need to handle their emotions on their own when they grow into ...
This little boy truly has my heart. Dash is an amazing mini cockapoo with a beautiful tricolor coat. He’s spunky without being too crazy, smart as a whip (the trainer’s words, not mine), and literally all he wants to do is sleep, eat, use the potty, and play. If I give him...
, Little Brother, music, potty training, television on July 16, 2010| 1 Comment » Day Five of Potty Training. Last hard core day. We’re in good shape and ready to step out and breathe the fresh air without (too much) fear of imminent wet pants (or worse) disaster. I’ve ...
Thank you all for supporting me through my journey. Your likes, comments, and suggestions have helped me reach my goal of becoming a published author. I cannot thank you enough. Check it out and let me know what you think. In the cosmic dance, Libra takes the lead, ...
Little Misfortune is a decent little adventure game. It has a slightly dark and decent story. Unfortunately some of that gets lost in the rather bad voice acting for Miss Fortune (the "voice" is pretty good though!) and the (two?) instances of out-of-place potty humor. Date Completed:...