new:gems(achievements counterparts within Eliss interface), new:∞ score displays visualizationof recent supernovas, new:immediate visual feedbackshows if planet should be bigger or smaller, new:planet-grab anim and sound, improved: damage sound now positional making it easier to locate collisions ...
This is a FAST way of making your child feel loved, valued and secure. GEMs help your kids feel affirmed and noticed, so their need to get your attention in negative ways decreases. Your energy levels will rise as you enjoy your child and remember what it’s all about. By focusing on ...
This is a FAST way of making your child feel loved, valued and secure. GEMs help your kids feel affirmed and noticed, so their need to get your attention in negative ways decreases. Your energy levels will rise as you enjoy your child and remember what it’s all about. By focusing on ...
Firmer doughs like playdough can be a great sensory tool for hands-on early learning activities like letters, numbers, and colors. It is also a great muscle strength activity for little hands getting ready to write. It is relaxing to knead, roll, stretch, flatten, pound, and whatever is fu...
s anxiety and keeping them calm. Having pets also teaches children the sad experience of loss when our pets sadly die. Death is part of living and learning to let go and saying goodbye to pets, prepares children for grieving and coping with human loss, which will happen sometime in their...
Gems And so much more! MORE FUN WITH PLAYDOUGH Cornstarch Playdough Powdered Sugar Playdough Peeps Playdough 17+ Things To Do With Playdough Fantastic Free Playdough Mats More Fun St. Patrick’s Day Activities For Kids Also, check out… Leprechaun Trap Ideas St Patrick’s Day Science Experiments...
It’s officially that time of year again when summer is no longer a pipe dream. It feels just around the corner, and I’m already remembering little gems from last year, like these juicy tomatoes. Come onnnn. We’ve already got the wood planks set aside for a third raised bed, and ...
There are detailed historic notice boards along the trail that explain the various points of interest so I was learning as I walked. The day was overcast but dry and with no commitments for the next few hours I took off on my own and found some right gems on route. I am a sucker ...
This cute Happy life Magic Kit facilitates exploration and organically encourage children to use "scientific thinking" and problem solving.Pets Play dough Kit includes: 4 balls of homemade, non toxic, play dough and lots of animals figurines, flowers, gems, glitter balls and so much more!See ...
seemed rare that I was fully engaged in a book.  I lulled a lot on the longer reads (dang you,Goldfinch!) and was disappointed by what I thought would be fun, easy page-turners (Lena Dunham let me down!).  That said, there were still a couple of stand-out gems. ...