Boasting a revolutionary spirit, unwavering self-belief, and near-universal ability to connect on an intimate level — even when holding court in front of packed-out stadiums — the group soon outgrew their humble beginnings. In fact, by the mid-'80s, spearheaded by the double whammy of a...
DrummerJohn Bonhamopted for the latter. He spontaneously broke into the opening drum bit of the Little Richard song "Keep a Knockin'." Page fell into the groove next on his 1959 Les Paul, playing an old-school,Chuck Berry-style riff. Jones and Plant also chimed in with off-the-cuff id...
Categories: Business, Irish History, Northern Ireland | Tags: Agriculture, American Revolutionary War, Arthur Chichester, Atlantic Slave Trade, Bastille, Belfast, Caribbean, Carrickfergus (UK Parliament constituency), Catholic Church, Chamber of Commerce, County Antrim, County Down, Dominica, Donegal, Dr...