aWhen a person is cold,little bumps appear on the skin.These are called goose bumps because the skin looks like the skin of a plucked goose.The bumps are made when little muscles in the skin raise the hairs.The skin tries to thicken the covering of hair in order to keep the body warm...
Little red bumps on penis head Little red dots on eyelids Red dots on penile head Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions...
A huge clonk and then bumps and bangs, as rolled back and forth whacking into the side of the house. We had to run out and rescue it, into the safety of the garage. It was wild out there. Scary, but exhilarating too. The rest of the time it’s felt like Lockdown, taking ...
and Mrs. Cake, Twilight bumps into the boy with spiky blue hair again. As they awkwardly part ways, Twilight finds herself developing a crush on him. Rarity is quick to notice and discourage this; the boy, Flash Sentry, is apparently Sunset Shimmer's ex-boyfriend, and developing a ...
After the dance, Twilight and Spike return to Equestria. Twilight feels more confident about being a princess than before. She bumps into Flash Sentry, who she encountered several times in the human world, and blushes. Twilight's friends tease her for having a crush, but she denies it. Equ...
As Sunset sneaks away before she gets caught, she bumps into Flash Sentry, and he thanks her for convincing him to get over Princess Twilight. Noticing Sunset's shifty behavior, Flash asks her what's going on, and she lets him know – as vaguely as possible – that Timber Spruce is ...
I tend to stick to the left side so the hair over there is very different from the rest of my head. I hate it. I am beyond impressed that you put this out there on your blog for all to see, I remember reading it thinking oh wow i'm not the only one that does this!How did ...
A huge clonk and then bumps and bangs, as rolled back and forth whacking into the side of the house. We had to run out and rescue it, into the safety of the garage. It was wild out there. Scary, but exhilarating too. The rest of the time it’s felt like Lockdown, taking ...
during each push. They showed Matt how to hold my left leg and a young female nursing student held my right leg. I watched Matt’s face as I pushed. At one point his eyes got really wide. “I can see her head! She has hair!!” he exclaimed. This spurred me on and I kept up...
the seven year old snot express. I read over the symptoms….fever, sore throat, malaise, red bumps on the hands and feet….and subsequently put it out of my head. Until the following Tuesday, when wee Alex came home from school with a fever, sore throat, and the dreaded “malaise”....